Advanced Presentation - PowerPoint


The aim of the course is to learn how to create and deliver compelling, high-impact and information-rich presentations using advanced formatting and layout techniques and multimedia effects. You will also learn how to manipulate images, drawn objects and charts.

Course Content

  • Merge slides and complete presentations, and merge a word-processed outline into a presentation.
  • Create, import, position, stack, group and ungroup images and other slide objects.
  • Apply semi-transparent, shadow, fill and 3D effects to images and other slide objects.
  • Resize, crop, rescale, rotate and convert images and other slide objects.
  • Work with and manipulate a variety of chart types including flowcharts.
  • Insert and manipulate animations and videos.
  • Link data from documents and spreadsheets, and modify linked data.
  • Loop presentations, and work with presentation macros.

Course Duration

The course will be delivered over 30 hours